Snowy Days in Bristol

/ Thursday, January 18, 2018 /
day 1

after our very long (8.5 hour) drive from Virginia, and a nice snowy welcome to Vermont, Charlie DID NOT want to stay inside! I mean we literally could not get this pup to come inside. For those of you who know Charlie, he's usually a pretty good listener, but he just couldn't muster up the obedience to listen to us this night. sure does feel great to be out of the south! 

I love love love love Vermont winter nights. 

he cracks me (and himself) up. 

love this little fam of ours, so so grateful. our little noses were freezing in these photos!

dancin' to keep warm! anything for the Charlie boy!

this definitely made me laugh, love that happy big smile!

and now that's one cute snow beard! 

those frozen whiskers though!!! 

day 2

and we're off to Waitsfield (where we're getting married in April). Our plan was to meet with our officiant and the chef! the drive through the valley was absolutely gorgeous, as you can see below. Even though we were running a tad late, we had to stop to take some photos, just too beautiful to miss. sometimes you just gotta slow down and enjoy, and that's exactly what we did. 

this state makes me the happiest version of myself that I know. 

spent hours meeting with the chef and the inn owner. we always have loved this venue, but seem to fall in love with it more each time we visit. it's just such a magical little place. we finally chose our wedding menu and it's going to be tasty! 

look how cute the inn looks from across the field!

day 3

okay, we've had a lot of really yummy Vermont breakfast, but Rosie's..... YUM. note to self, never forget the monkey bread we had on this brisk morning! 

after our breakfast at Rosie's we decided to stop at the abbey pond trail. we've always heard how beautiful this trail is, but have never been local to it. we started up the trail about a half a mile or so and then decided to turn around because we weren't in the right clothes and it was about -5 degrees. we decided we would hike up the trail tomorrow (with Charlie). 

I did take some snaps, the trail covered in snow was so so beautiful. 

 cutie named Lava, he is a retired sleigh dog, so he was having a blast in the snow, says his owner. 

stayed literally down the block from bristol cliffs, so we decided to take a hike up, the view was gorgeous. 

day 4

just so happens my friend Tess was also visiting Vermont, so we met up with her for breakfast (back at Rosie's, once wasn't enough). After, we geared up, grabbed Charlie, and hit the abbey pond trail. the trail was even more beautiful as it was the day before, some fresh snow had fallen during the night.  

it was chilly (2 degrees, maybe colder as we hiked up the mountain), so it seemed as if we had the trail to ourselves. I mean, I think we really did. 

Charlie proceeded to jump on me right after this photo was taken, good thing I had my snow pants on.

back up the trail to find dad! sometimes I lose kev for a few minutes while I stay behind to snap photos. 

started to get {very} cold at this point on the trail. had to start taking breaks to break the snow out of Charlie's little paws. next time, we will bring him boots too! 

it wasn't snowing, but my hair got super frosty on the way down the mountain.

we didn't end up making it to the pond, Charlie's paws were getting way too logged with snow and the sun was setting quickly. sometimes ya gotta turn around, even when you really don't want to. Kevin grounds me when it comes to making safe decisions during our hikes.

 sweet christmas tree in the town of Bristol. this trip was pretty perfect. Bristol is such a cute little area of Vermont, can't believe it took us this long to explore this area, we can't wait to go back.


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Katie- 21 years old; Enjoys nature, hiking, running, good food, photography and nice people. I love my life.
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