Back to the magical land...

/ Friday, September 9, 2016 /
I had been counting down the days until we were back in Vermont, and every second of our trip was perfect! Decided to venture out of our usual and stay a few nights in Fairfield and then in Waterville, which we've never seen before! Good news, both areas are beautiful, bad new is it took us almost 9 hours to drive from Virginia! Our first day in Fairfield consisted of hanging around Stony Pond Farm, which is where we were staying for a few nights. We stayed in the sweetest cabin in the woods, just a 5 minute walk from a big ol' beautiful pond! Our hosts suggested we grab a pizza from the local bakery, Chesters, which was delicious! Apparently the bakery only makes pizzas on Friday nights, so we were at the right place at the right time. Pizza was delicious, and then we headed back to the cabin for a nice relaxing evening with the beautiful sounds of nature surrounding us. Here's some of my favorite pictures from our first day!

Spent the evening spending quality time in the cabin and enjoying the great outdoors. We woke up feeling well-rested and at peace. Spent some time walking around the land, playing fetch with charlie and enjoying some fresh blueberries. We decided to head over to the Burlington farmers market, which was our first time! We usually tend to stick to the smaller markets, but our host highly recommended the market, and their farm actually sells their goods there, so we headed over! We had a blast at the market, bought some fresh veggies, a print (of a moose), ice cream and a succulent! Met a whole bunch of great people and played with a bunch of adorable pups! Charlie had a blast! After we had lunch at this delicious restaurant called Bayview Grill, I had a roasted turkey sandwich with fresh kale, apples and Vermont cheddar, yum! After, I had their homemade cheesecake that had an oreo crust! Vermont food is basically the best, because mostly everything is local! After we headed over to a park where we met another sheltie! Headed back to the farm and went swimming in the pond, which was so refreshing! The walk back up to the cabin was gorgeous, as the sun was setting. This place is all sorts of amazing, I wish we were able to stay for longer.

Up early morning, listening to birds and picking some wild blackberries, which were delicious! After we had some breakfast, we headed back down to the pond for a quick dip and to say our goodbyes to our hosts! Then, off to Waterville, Vermont! The drive up to Waterville was beautiful and we passed these gorgeous painted silos in town. Unfortunately, we got totally lost and couldn't find our next bed and breakfast location, but when we got there it was totally worth getting lost! We quickly met two of the nicest people on the planet, Carolyn, Rion and their adorable dog Dandelion. Quickly changed our clothes and headed to Granville, Vermont where we met our photographer, Jacquelyn! Had the sweetest photo session, and it was a total blast getting to meet one of my favorite photographers. We went over to Moss Glen Falls which was just gorgeous, and took photos actually in the falls! After, we were soaked, and headed to dinner. The sweetest lady offered us this huge blanket that she had in her car so that we weren't cold as we were eating! 

Had a super fun and relaxing morning catching up and getting to know our new friends, Carolyn and Rion. Carolyn showed us around their gorgeous land, showed us her rabbits, chickens and garden. We probably all hung around and chatted for 2 hours, which was so much fun! Kevin and I (and Charlie and Dandelion) walked down to the river and went swimming, which was probably my favorite part of the entire trip! The water was just so clean and refreshing, and let's face it, it's always fun to watch two adorable dogs splash around in the water! After Carolyn gave me some delicious cereal which we added fresh blueberries right from their garden to! Quickly packed our stuff up and headed toward Bennington, where we met my lovely mom and Chris for lunch, and of course ice cream. Today was a double ice cream day because we had stopped for ice cream on the way to Bennington!

And just like that, in a blink of the eye, we're heading back to Virginia. I'll instantly miss Vermont, but the feeling that I have when I'm there will keep me motivated to get through this program so we can move there for good! 


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Katie- 21 years old; Enjoys nature, hiking, running, good food, photography and nice people. I love my life.
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